New painting: Drawn into Nectar, 2015, watercolor, ink and pastel, 18″ x 15″, charmagnecoe.com. It is intended to be part of Essential Creatures, an exhibition honoring the pollinators of our world. This takes place at West of the Moon Gallery, 14 N. San Francisco St., Flagstaff, AZ 86001. (928) 774-0465. The open reception is April 3rd, 2015, First Friday, 6-9 pm and is continues till the end of April.

This painting encompasses many feelings of child-like wonder and an appreciation for our interconnectedness with nature. Below are some more detail pictures. I often feel there are many smaller paintings within a single painting. Enjoy!

Drawn into Nectar.hi_res.detail1
Drawn into Nectar.hi_res.detail2
Drawn into Nectar.hi_res.detail4
It’s important to recognize the small creatures that support our web of life. Stop and observe. I encourage one not to immediately swat away or squash those who are simply doing their miniature, yet vital jobs as part of our life force. I personally experience the divine sacredness of life when I remember to slow down and look around at, and even better yet, look into nature. Here is a mourning cloak butterfly discovered last spring by my son. He/she was attached to a safe crevice on a wall outside our front door and had just emerged from the cocoon, wings still damp.
